Dr Laxminarayana,a well known Hatchery and farming expert in India, has been successful in setting up and management of Marine Shrimp/ Freshwater prawn/finfish(Tilapia, Pearlspot) hatcheries for the last several years. He has also conducted several feasibility studies for setting up Aquaculture Projects and conducted several Environmental Impact Assessment studies for hatchery and farming. Dr Laxminarayana has been successful in many fisheries projects which include setting up and successful management of Marine Shrimp, Fresh water Prawn, Seacucumber, Finfish Hatcheries and Farms.He is also an expert in crustacean physiology and reproduction, cage culture of fishes and aquaculture farm certification. Biofloc RAS systems of farming of Shrimp and finfishes. His main skills include:
Setting up, successful management of shrimp/ freshwater prawn/finfish hatcheries
and farms on a commercial basis.
Development of DPRs and technoeconomic feasibility studies to various aquaculture
and fisheries projects in several parts of the world
Providing consultancies for seacucumber breeding and culture.
Providing consultancies for breeding seed production, farming and cage culture of finfish.
Conducting Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) studies.
Providing technical advice for sustainable development of wetlands.
To provide consultancies for the conservation and management of mangroves.
To provide technical guidance in crustacean physiology and reproduction.
To organize training programmes workshops and meetings, in national and international levels.
Aquaculture(Shrimp) Farm Certification.
Cage Culture of Fishes.
Setting up and successful management of shrimp/ crab/ freshwater prawn / Seacucumber / Tilapia hatcheries and farms ona commercial basis
Providing consultancies for setting up and management of biofloc and RAS systems of farming of Shrimp and finfishes